Healy Mobile Apps Allow The Healy Biohacking Devices To Deliver Quantum Results!
Healy mobile apps work directly with The Healy and The Healy Watch biohack wearables. The basic Healy app is free to download at the App Store and Google Play store for iPhones / iPads and Android models. The Healy app is needed for use of The Healy wearable. The additional three Healy mobile apps require a monthly subscription for use and greatly enhance the impact of your Healy biohack device.
Healy Mobile Apps Available For Your Healy Devices:

The Healy Watch Connector App
The Healy Watch Connector App allows the Healy Watch to connect to The Healy device and the Healy information network. It is a monthly subscription mobile app that helps personalize your Healy experience. It also provides individualized feedback, monitoring information and other connectivity functions for the digital lifestyle.

The HealAdvisor Search App
The HealAdvisor Search App is you personal guide to fitness, well being and optimal holistic health! Access the HealAdvisor Cloud, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) -based encrypted online module that’s constantly being updated and added to. The latest knowledge about bioenergetic frequencies and microcurrent therapy are delivered right to your Healy device. Receive personalized new frequency recommendations and programs with your HealAdvisor Search subscription.

The Digital Nutrition App
The Digital Nutrition App is another one of the Healy mobile apps with a monthly subscriptio. It serves to assist your diet and nutrition needs. It helps improve your nutrition lifestyle without you needing to heavily rely on traditional and expensive dietary supplements and vitamins.
The Assistant feature allows you to input your specific needs and requirements. The Search function accesses the HealAdvisor Cloud to search for the most appropriate frequency programs for your given nutritional type and personal dietary profile. And the Shopping List feature gives you personalized recommendations on which groceries to buy in order to meet the suggested dietary needs.
Download The Healy App From The App Store Or Google Play Store: