Healy Biohacking Devices Are Now Available In The USA!

As of May, 2020, Healy biohacking devices, The Healy and The Healy Watch, along with all of the associated Healy Mobile App programs are now available to purchase in the US market!

Healy was already in over 40 countries (most in Europe) as was well established with only around one year in public production. So the US market was ripe and ready. Over $1 million worth of product flew off the shelves withing the first 24 hours of the US launch!

Healy is definitely in demand. The word of mouth / network marketing approach to spreading the word of Healy seems to be working very well. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are seeing the benefits of microcurrent therapy technology, of which Healy is at the forefront.

Canada will launch soon after and the Healy International AG team is excited about how fast this business has taken off. The distributorship opportunity withing the company is very lucrative and is offering thousands of people an exciting way of making a living.

As the US market gains momentum and thrives, Healy will surely grow exponentially. The US has always been the leader in areas such as product consumption, market readiness and people eager for viable business opportunities. Keep an eye out for this amazing, life-changing product to become more common among citizens of the USA in the coming months and years!